Getting into vaping can be intimidating; walking through a vape shop can be more than just confusing. There are so many new terms to learn, and so many different products of different shapes and sizes to learn about. Some of these products and devices are completely optional, aimed at seasoned pros. Some of these products and terms, however, need to be known as a fundamental piece of the process by all vapers, seasoned and new. One of these fundamental products is e-liquid.
Also known as e-juice, vape juice, or simply juice; e-liquid is the substance that you put into your mod or pen to vaporize. It’s absolutely necessary to get your hands on some e-liquid if you plan on vaping. Otherwise, there’d be nothing for your mod or pen to actually vaporize. What exactly goes into e-liquid is a bit less-known and what raises some health concerns for some people.
Luckily, there’s nothing to worry about when it comes to vape liquid. Ingredients are normally listed on the containers at your favorite vape store, and most liquids are composed of four principal ingredients: vegetable glycerin, propylene glycol, flavorings, and often nicotine.
Vegetable Glycerin
Contrary to common belief, the smoke you breathe out after vaping isn’t actually water vapor. That doesn’t mean, however, that it’s a dangerous substance. Most modern juice is mostly vegetable glycerin—around 80% even. This is the substance that is responsible for those big, wispy clouds.
While the name might be alarming at first, vegetable glycerin is simply a processed substance that comes from vegetable oil. It isn’t oil in itself, however. The processed substance is actually alcohol, which makes it perfectly safe to inhale.
Vegetable glycerin is colorless, odorless, and non-toxic. It’s sweet and viscous, and is often used as a sweetener in foods. It’s also a common ingredient in many medicines.
Propylene Glycol | Vape Juice
This is another alcohol, and it likely makes up most of the juice that isn’t vegetable glycerin. Propylene glycol is nearly odorless and slightly sweet, but not as much as vegetable glycerin. It’s added to foods and medicines, mostly to keep them moist.
Older versions of vape juice contained more propylene glycol than vegetable glycerin. These juices produce less smoke, and are often favored by vapers that want to keep their clouds more discrete. This substance is less thick and works better in older atomizers.
It’s also generally safe to inhale, but there has been evidence that shows that some people are sensitive to propylene glycol. If you feel unwell after vaping a propylene glycol heavy liquid, try switching to one that’s mostly vegetable glycerin.
Flavorings | e-Liquid
One of the most important and popular parts of vaping is the flavor. After all, the selling point is always: big clouds, big flavor. The juice itself doesn’t have much flavor at all, so added flavorings are a very important part of the liquid.
The flavors are chosen carefully by the manufacturers. Not all safe-to-eat substances are equally safe-to-inhale, so saying “food-grade” isn’t always enough to guarantee a safe inhalation. Luckily, vape liquid manufacturers have been carefully selecting ingredients for ages now, so approved products always contain safe-to-inhale flavorings.
Nicotine | e-Juice
For people who are looking for an alternative to cigarettes, nicotine in the e-liquid is important. Juice with nicotine allows you to get your hit of nicotine, without having to ignite tobacco leaves and inhaling the smoke. It also allows you to smoke indoors, and around others without having to drown your walls and loved ones in harmful smoke with every exhalation.
Free Smoke is the best place to go shopping for Vapes. Visit our store online or one of our locations for the best deals!